Charket and InCountry to Empower Salesforce Customers in China
Charket Partners with InCountry to Empower Salesforce Customers in China
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Charket and InCountry to Empower Salesforce Customers in China

Due to the constantly evolving economic and political landscape, businesses across industries face challenges in collecting and using massive amounts of data. Data security and compliance with applicable local laws are two very important factors in choosing and using business applications. The ongoing introduction of more regional data protection regulations and laws creates even higher complexities for businesses, particularly those taking advantages of cloud computing technologies, to make data-driven decisions.
In China, since the introduction of PIPL (Personal Information Protection Law), Salesforce customers have had concerns about becoming compliant with the law. To address their concerns, Charket and InCountry have joined hands and introduced a combined solution that allows Salesforce customers to engage with their WeChat customers and become compliant with PIPL at the same time.

Why Are Data Security and PIPL Compliance Important to Businesses?

As data collection and the use of data generate significant values for businesses, potential data security risks pose a real threat that can compromise benefits from utilizing the data or even cause greater loss if a large amount of data is put at risk.
PIPL was introduced to protect sensitive data of people living in Mainland China. Businesses are required by the law to store sensitive personal information or a high volume of data in servers hosted within Mainland China. PIPL has not been strictly enforced to give businesses, especially international businesses, more time to update their systems to become compliant with the law. However, the enforcement of the law is imminent, so the urgency of becoming compliant with it is true. Noncompliance with PIPL poses a threat to the growth of their business in China.

Benefits from The Combined Solution Offered by Charket & InCountry

The solution, created from Charket and InCountry's AppExchange applications, allows Salesforce customers to offer their WeChat customers an end-to-end engagement experience and, at the same time, ensures that their WeChat customers' sensitive personal information is stored in China.
Seamless integration between WeChat/WeCom and Salesforce CRM helps Salesforce customers generate sales leads from WeChat users, nurture and qualify them through WeChat marketing automation, close deals as won through social selling, and make customers happy by supporting them through WeChat.
Meet data residency requirements by securely storing sensitive WeChat user information in servers hosted in Mainland China.
Salesforce customers do not need to overhaul and re-engineer their marketing, sales, and customer service processes. The implementation effort to become compliant with PIPL is minimal.

How Does The Combined Solution Work?

It's a straightforward process to implement the solution offered by Charket and InCountry.
Identify fields storing sensitive personal information in a Charket form. Values of such fields will be stored in InCountry servers hosted in Mainland China.
After storing sensitive field values, InCountry servers send their redacted counterparts to Salesforce in order to meet data integrity requirements in Salesforce setup.
Lightning components, offered by the InCountry AppExchange application, are used to view and edit sensitive field values. Access to such components is only granted to China users in Salesforce.
The InCountry AppExchange application also offers its reporting capability for meeting data analytics requirements.
Through our AppExchange applications and technical expertise in Salesforce CRM, Charket and InCountry aim to provide Salesforce customers with the most secure and PIPL compliant social CRM solution in China.
Schedule a demo with our experts at Charket and InCountry to learn more about how our combined solution fits your needs.
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