Charket WhatsApp Release Notes

Charket WhatsApp v1.3.0
September 7, 2023
What's New
Added support for custom input in the payload of Message Template Button Action.
Flow now supports sending Template Messages by passing in JSON.
The time and date displayed on the Chat Body page now conform to the locale-formatted time and date set by the user.
WhatsApp now supports executing Flows through the custom message handler method and sending messages synchronously.
Charket WhatsApp v1.2.0
August 31, 2023
What's New
Added support for sending Interactive Messages of type List and Button via Flow.
Added support for Interactive Reply messages.
Optimized Flow to create a log when the Social Profile or Template Message cannot be found while sending the Template Message.
New Cases now support Interactive Messages.
Added support for displaying WhatsApp chat messages in Community.
Charket WhatsApp v1.1.0
June 29, 2023
What's New
Enhanced the chat component to better support showing multiple chat conversations across different channels and chat groups.
Added the message template preview feature.
Agent statuses and photos are now available in the chat transfer popup.
Fixed a bug that a new chat cannot be started if a social profile does not have a previous chat.
Charket WhatsApp v1.0.0
April 2, 2023
What's New
Added the support of sending template messages and text messages through Flow actions.
The chat component can now support sending template messages after the 24-hour chat window is closed.
Added the support of template message buttons triggering Flow actions.
Added the template sync feature.
Added the support of receiving quoted messages.
Chats can now be transferred to offline agents.
Added the support of having one-on-one chat conversations in the Lead/Contact/Social Profile/Social Rep pages.
Charket WhatsApp v0.2.0
September 2, 2022
What's New
Added the support of receiving more types of messages. Supported message types include Text, Image, Audio, Video, File, Contacts, Sticker and Location. Other types of messages will be shown as Unsupported Message.
Added the support of sending more types of messages. Supported message types include Text, Image, Video, Audio and File.
Added the support of transferring chat conversations among agents.
Cases can now be created from chat conversations.
Added support for marking as done chat conversations.
Agents can now initiate a new chat through the Start New Chat button.
Added a new permission set "Charket WhatsApp - Support Manager" for more granular level of permission controls.
Miscellaneous bug fixes and UI enhancements.
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